How to Use SoccerMovieMom

  • Click the top menu items to see movies by genre (category).
  • Use the Tag Cloud  to see movies by keyword such as:
    • by country or ethnicity of origin
    • actors who have been in more than one soccer movie
    • companies that have made more than one soccer movie
    • rating of R1 to R10. The @SoccerMovieMom Rating is on a scale of 1 (worst) to 10 (best) and is based on how well the movie tells its story, portrays the soccer play, and communicates the passion for the game.

These reviews include factoids gathered from:

  • commentary or extras included on the movie DVDs,
  • director and cast interviews posted on the internet, and
  • other internet resources such as news articles and wikipedia.

I also warn parents when a movie has parts that are not suitable for children. There are quite a few soccer movies, like Ladybugs, that have children in them but may not be appropriate for kids to watch. Of course, that’s a parent’s call, but I just bring it to the reader’s attention.

To hear about new reviews, follow  @SoccerMovieMom on Twitter.
