Romantic comedies about soccer, football, futbol, futebole, and Fußball. To see all Tags & Categories go here.
‘Greener Grass’ (2019) a lauded absurdist nightmare
Waititi and Fassbender are pitch perfect in ‘Next Goal Wins’ (2023)
‘The Other Zoey’ (2023) is cute but is not a soccer movie
‘Perder es ganar un poco’ (2023) is a winner
Pentecostal football makes good in ‘Prophetess’ (2021)
Steve Zahn is perfect in ‘Gringa’ (2023)
A long farewell to ‘Ted Lasso’ Season 3 (2023)
Have a laugh with ‘The Outcasts’ | ‘El Matareed’ (2023)
‘The Champions’ (2018-2023) is funny and clever from Bleacher Report
‘Dream’ (2023) cheers for the homeless