Documentaries about soccer, football, futbol, futebole, and Fußball. To see all Tags & Categories go here.
A Liverpool to remember in ‘The End of the Storm’ (2020)
Review: ‘Sir Alex Ferguson – Never Give In’ (2021)
Review: ‘The Men Who Sold the World Cup’ (2021)
‘That Peter Crouch Film’ (2023) is a branding exercise
‘What Killed Maradona?’ (2020) – his super power
‘Equal Playing Field’ from the top down (2021)
The business side of womens football – ‘Angel City’ (2023)
‘Soccer Shrines’ (2010) – stadiums as places of fan worship
‘Khartoum Offside’ (2019) intimate but confusing
‘Pro in Africa’ (2020) revisits a boy’s dreams