Documentaries about soccer, football, futbol, futebole, and Fußball. To see all Tags & Categories go here.
Traveling the world to play pickup ‘Pelada’ (2010)
‘The Two Escobars’ (2010) explains narco-fútbol
The 99ers and their ‘Dare to Dream’ (2005)
Guy Oliver covers ‘History of Soccer’ (2001) up to the year 2000
‘The Four Year Plan’ (2011) may make you hate QPR
Football trafficking in ‘Soccer’s Lost Boys’ (2010)
‘One Night in Turin’ (2010) so vivid it makes people cry again
See what it takes to be a FIFA referee in ‘Les Arbitres’ (2009)
Review: ‘Once in a Lifetime – NY Cosmos’ (2006)
‘Kick Like a Girl’ (2008) is full of positive role models