Documentaries about soccer, football, futbol, futebole, and Fußball. To see all Tags & Categories go here.
2015 film shows Bari eat bread and football
‘All or Nothing: Tottenham HotSpur’ (2020) showcases Mourinho
Teen Voice – ‘Yellow Cards for Equal Pay’ (2020)
Social change through ‘Zanzibar Soccer Dreams’ (2016)
It’s hard to feel sorry for ‘Anelka: Misunderstood’ (2020)
Barça under Pep in ’Take the Ball Pass the Ball’ (2018)
A treasure for Leeds fans – ‘Do You Want to Win?’ (2017)
‘Take Us Home: Leeds United’ (2019) leaves you longing for Season 2
‘Foosballers’ (2019) – a game but not a sport
‘Still Defending’ (2020) after a life-threatening illness