A Major Inconvenience follows virginal young Frenchman Laurent, who puts all his energy into soccer. He has a chance to join the pros and thereby elevate his family from their welfare-level existence. But his focus is waylaid by an affair with the mother of the opponent who broke his nose.
My French is pretty limited, but A Major Inconvenience is a misleading interpretation of the original title Un dérangement considérable. The English title and descriptions lead you to think this will be a frothy little cougar film. But the title could equally be translated as “a considerably deranged moment”.
Although the player Franck broke his nose, Laurent ends up sleeping with Franck’s mother. This downer flick ends in a flash of insanity when Franck insults Laurent’s mother. Laurent may be Arabic like his half-siblings. It is hard to tell. But what is it about insulting the female relatives of French-Arab soccer players? The reaction is a deranged moment.
Except for the star, the soccer looks authentic, and the film is particularly adept at committing fouls.
2 Soccer Movie Mom Rating = 2
- Release Date: 1999-09 (Toronto)
- In French with English sub-titles
- French title is Un dérangement considérable
- Director: Bernard Stora
- I could not find a Trailer